Bundle & Save!
Buy 2 or more levels and get $50 off each level.
Click here to order online or call our office at 408-559-3652.
Email purchase order to PO@BrightSolutions.US
Barton On ClassWallet Marketplace
The Barton Reading & Spelling System is now available for families in Arizona and North Carolina to purchase on ClassWallet Marketplace.
ClassWallet Marketplace is an online store that allows users to purchase educational materials, using ESA scholarship funds.
Arizona Families
To learn more about the Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program, click here.
To place an order, access the ClassWallet Marketplace through the Arizona ESA Applicant Portal.
North Carolina Families
To learn more about the North Carolina Education Student Accounts (ESA+) program, click here.
Parents in North Carolina can learn how to place an order on ClassWallet Marketplace by clicking here.
If you need help placing an order, contact ClassWallet directly at (877) 969-5536 or help@classwallet.com.
Single Tutor Version
To Order the Single Tutor Version
The Single Tutor version is ideal if there is going to be only one Barton tutor.
The Student Pages come as blackline masters. So one tutor can teach many different students.
But the Single Tutor version includes only one spiral-bound copyrighted Tutor Manual, and only one set of tiles. That means only one tutor can use it with one student at time.
An experienced teacher can use this version to teach a small group of students (maximum of 3 students) by ordering up to 3 extra sets of tiles.
But BEFORE you order Level 1, give your student our 10-minute Student Screening.
What’s included in the Single Tutor version?
Each level of the Single Tutor version includes:
- 2 Tutor Training DVDs
- 1 coil-bound copyrighted Tutor Manual
- 1 unbound blackline master of the Student Pages
- 1 set of color-coded letter tiles
(Each level only contains the new tiles. Tiles in Level 1 are only used in Level 1. Tiles in Levels 2-10 are cumulative, so each level requires all the tiles from the previous level.) - Plus anything else needed to give the lessons or play the games in that level
- Free unlimited support by phone, email or tutor support website
Each level comes with one set of color-coded letter tiles. The tiles for Levels 2 -10 are cumulative – they will build on the tiles from the previous levels. Level 1 tiles are used only in Level 1.
What’s a Level?
To learn about levels, click here. It takes most students 3 to 5 months to complete a level – once they reach Level 3. Levels 1 and 2 will not take that long.
Single-Tutor Prices
Level # | Title | Single Tutor Price |
1 | Phonemic Awareness | $350 |
2 | Consonants & Short Vowels | $350 |
3 | Closed & Unit Syllables | $400 |
4 | Syllable Division & Vowel Teams | $400 |
5 | Prefixes & Suffixes | $400 |
6 | Six Reasons for Silent-E | $400 |
7 | Vowel-R Syllables | $400 |
8 | Advanced Vowel Teams | $400 |
9 | Influences of Foreign Languages | $400 |
10 | Greek Words & Latin Roots | $400 |
This price includes:
- all of the training a tutor needs – on DVD
- or you can watch our training videos online
- the training comes to you
- so there are no travel costs
- the training is reusable
- train everyone with the same DVDs: your aide, next year’s teacher, etc.
- free unlimited support
- for anyone using the Barton System
Order just one level at a time
When it arrives, spend 6 hours watching our tutor training DVDs. You can watch all of it on one day, or you can spread it across several evenings.
Or start watching our tutor training videos the minute you place your order – over the internet – on your desktop or portable computer, on your iPad or Android tablet, or even on your phone.
Then start teaching the very next day using the lesson plans in our Tutor Manual.
When your student starts the last lesson in that level, order the next level.
It takes most students 3 to 5 months to complete a level once they reach Level 3. Levels 1 and 2 will not take as long.
Less than $ 100 per month
It will take a student with moderate or “classic” dyslexia, being tutored one-on-one twice a week, from 3 to 5 months to complete a level once they reach Level 3. So it costs less than $100 a month to use the Barton System.
If you’re a parent and that’s still too much, click here for ways to lower the cost.
Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee:
If you are not completely satisfied with the effectiveness of the Barton System, you may return it within 30 days of the purchase date for a refund.
If Level 1 is too easy, and you bought it directly from us, we will gladly exchange it for Level 2 — at no cost to you.
How do we define too easy? A level is too easy if a student completes all of the lessons and the posttest easily and with at least 95% accuracy in just 2 or 3 hours.
If Level 1 or Level 2 prove to be too easy, call our office within 30 days of the purchase date to exchange it for the next level.
To Order The Single Tutor Version:
To order on our secure e-store using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover, click here
To order by phone, call 408-559-3652
To download an order form that you can fax or mail in, click here
To email a purchase order, click here
Fax purchase order to 408-377-0503
Can I get extra tiles?
Yes, you may purchase up to 3 additional sets of tiles, but only for the Barton Levels that you purchased directly from us. We do not sell extra tiles if you purchased it used from someone else. To order extra tiles, click here.
Or if you have an iPad or Android 7” or 10” tablet, use our Barton Tiles app instead of ordering tiles.
More questions?
Click here to read our Ordering FAQ’s, call us at 408-559-3652, or email your question to us by clicking here.
Site License
Order the Site License Version
A Site License is cost effective only if your site will have three or more tutors.
Watch: What is a Site License?
A Site License is ideal for sites that will have 3 or more Barton tutors, such as:
- professional tutoring centers,
- early intervention programs,
- adult literacy programs,
- charter schools that support homeschool parents, or
- large schools with three or more Reading or Resource Specialists.
The owner of Site License levels has permission to make copies of the Tutor Manuals and Student Pages (from blackline masters only). Extra training DVDs and/or extra tiles can be obtained at our cost.
We also include two items to make it easier to train tutors using our Tutor Training DVDs: a Facilitator’s Guide, and a Training Day Planning Guide.
The owner of a site license cannot sell, rent, give away, donate, or in any way distribute Barton materials to anyone who does not volunteer at their physical site, or in the case of a charter school, to anyone who is not enrolled in that charter school.
What is a site?
A site is the physical site of a single school or tutoring center or adult literacy center. Anyone tutoring at that physical site, whether a paid staff member or a volunteer, would be able to use the Barton System on that site.
A charter school that supports home educators can buy a site license to provide homeschooling parents with the Barton System to use with their own child. The child must be currently enrolled is the charter school to use the Barton site license materials. Parents are required to return ALL Barton materials to the school when they complete each level (or when their child is no longer enrolled at the school).
We currently do not offer a site license version for remote tutor centers.
Is there an annual renewal fee?
Can every school in my district use our Site License?
No. Each school would need its own Site License. Remember, a site is the physical site of a single school or organization.
If you are interested in a district-wide quantity discount, please call our office at 408-559-3652 to discuss your specific needs.
What’s included in a Site License
Each level of the Site License version includes:
- 2 Tutor Training DVDs
- with the right to duplicate them
- or your tutors can watch them online, for free
- 1 blackline master of the Tutor Manual
- 1 blackline master of the Student Pages
- 5 sets of color-coded letter tiles
- with the right to buy extra tiles at our cost
- Plus 5 sets of everything else needed
- to give the lessons
- or play the games in that level
Can I get extra tiles?
Site License Prices
Level # | Title | Site License Price |
1 | Phonemic Awareness | $1200 |
2 | Consonants & Short Vowels | $1200 |
3 | Closed & Unit Syllables | $1700 |
4 | Syllable Division & Vowel Teams | $1700 |
5 | Prefixes & Suffixes | $1700 |
6 | Six Reasons for Silent-E | $1700 |
7 | Vowel-R Syllables | $1700 |
8 | Advanced Vowel Teams | $1700 |
9 | Influences of Foreign Languages | $1700 |
10 | Greek Words & Latin Roots | $1700 |
This price includes:
- All of the training a tutor needs is included
- on DVD
- or videos can be watched online
- no travel or trainer costs
- the training is reusable
- train everyone with the same DVDs
- all teachers & aides, volunteers,
- next year’s teachers, etc.
- all materials can be duplicated
- there are no consumables
- free unlimited support
- for everyone using the Barton System
A few organizations write a grant to fund a Site License. To learn more about grants, click here.
To Order the Site License Version:
To order on our secure e-store using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover, click here
To order by phone, call 408-559-3652
To download an order form that you can fax or mail in, click here
To email a purchase order, click here
Fax purchase order to 408-377-0503
For our mailing address, click here
More questions?
Click here to read our Ordering FAQ’s, call us at 408-559-3652, or email your question by clicking here.
All Digital Version
To Order the All Digital Version
Our “All Digital” Single Barton Levels are delivered completely on-line. No physical product is shipped to you.
That means you will not be charged shipping or customs / import duty fees.
But you must have a strong internet connection to use this all digital version.
You also need two devices – a computer and an iPad or Android 7″ or 10″ tablet.
The computer will display our tutor manual, which you need to look at while you are teaching the lessons. This manual cannot be printed. But you can display it on any type of computer: a Windows or Macintosh desktop or laptop computer. You will also watch our on-line tutor training videos on this computer.
The other device must be an iPad or Android 7″ or 10″ tablet – for the Barton Tiles App. The Barton Tiles App is included for free in our All Digital Single Tutor version because it replaces the need for our color-coded wooden letter tiles.
You will receive our packet of Student Pages as a PDF file, which you can either print – or you can put the PDF file onto the student’s iPad or Android device so the student can access and write on them using a PDF program such as Good Notes.
If you own a tutoring center or work at a school where there will be many tutors, and want more information on our Digital Site License version, send an email to info@BartonReading.com, or call our office at 408-559-3652.
To see how easy it is to use our All Digital levels, watch this video:
What’s included in the All Digital version?
Each level of the All Digital version includes:
- Tutor Training Videos – watch it online
- Tutor Manual – use it online
- Student Pages as a PDF file – can print it or use it with Good Notes
- Barton Tiles App – included for free
- Plus anything else needed to give the lessons or play the games in that level
- Free unlimited support by phone, email or tutor support website
What’s a Level?
To learn about levels, click here. It takes most students 3 to 5 months to complete a level – once they reach Level 3. Levels 1 and 2 will not take that long.
All-Digital Prices
Level # | Title | All Digital Price |
1 | Phonemic Awareness | $350 |
2 | Consonants & Short Vowels | $350 |
3 | Closed & Unit Syllables | $400 |
4 | Syllable Division & Vowel Teams | $400 |
5 | Prefixes & Suffixes | $400 |
6 | Six Reasons for Silent-E | $400 |
7 | Vowel-R Syllables | $400 |
8 | Advanced Vowel Teams | $400 |
9 | Influences of Foreign Languages | $400 |
10 | Greek Words & Latin Roots | $400 |
All-Digital Barton levels are non-transferable.
Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee:
If you are not completely satisfied with the effectiveness of the Barton System, you may return it within 30 days of the purchase date for a refund.
If Level 1 is too easy, and you bought it directly from us, we will gladly exchange it for Level 2 — at no cost to you.
How do we define too easy? A level is too easy if a student completes all of the lessons and the posttest easily and with at least 95% accuracy in just 2 or 3 hours.
If Level 1 or Level 2 prove to be too easy, call our office within 30 days of the purchase date to exchange it for the next level.
Frequently Asked Questions
About All Digital Version
Q: Can I print the tutor manual?
A: No. It can only be viewed online. But our online viewer has many great features that make it easy to note where a student finished the day, to highlight key areas or insert your own notes, and to jump from lesson to lesson.To see those features in action, watch this video.
Q: I am a traveling tutor. Some places I go do not have internet access.
Q: Can I print the student pages?
Q: Can I tutor more than one student?
A: Yes. You can print a set of student pages for each new student.And you can set up as many students as you wish using the Barton Tiles App. To see how that works, watch the demo videos that are on www.BartonTiles.com.
You can even load our Barton Tiles App onto two different iPads or two different Android tablets – as long as they share the same account in the Apple App Store or in the Google Play Store.
Q: Can I change my mind and switch to the physical product?
A: Yes. If after using our All Digital version for two weeks, you decide you would prefer the physical level, we will ship it to you – and charge you only our international shipping fee (which also includes all import and customs fees).You can continue to use the All Digital version until the physical product is delivered.
Q: Can I sell my All Digital version to someone else when I am done with it?
A: No – the All Digital version is non-transferable.
Q: What if Level 1 is too easy?
A: Sometimes, Level 1 might be too easy for a student. If a student can finish all of those lessons, and its posttest, easily and with at least 95% accuracy in just 2 or 3 hours, we would consider it too easy. In that case, let us know and we will exchange it for Level 2 – for free.
No one has ever claimed that Level 2 was too easy.
To Order the All Digital Version:
To order on our secure e-store using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover, click here
To order by phone, call 408-559-3652
To download an order form that you can fax or mail in, click here for single version or click here for site version
To email a purchase order, click here
Fax purchase order to 408-377-0503
For our mailing address, click here
More questions?
Click here to read our Ordering FAQ’s, call us at 408-559-3652, or email your question to us by clicking here.
Extra Tiles
Color-coded letter tiles are an essential part of the Barton Reading & Spelling System. You can only purchase extra letter tiles for levels you have purchased directly from us or from our only authorized reseller of used levels, Evelyn Smith.
Single Tutor Tiles:
One set of tiles is included inside each Single Tutor level of the Barton System, which is all that is needed when tutoring one-on-one. But if a teacher is planning to tutor 3 students at a time, they will find it helpful for each student to have their own set of tiles.
Up to 3 extra sets of tiles can be ordered for every Single Tutor level purchased directly from us. If you plan to sell your Barton level after your child or student has completed it, you should order an extra set of tiles for that level because our tiles are cumulative. That means to teach Level 4, you need the tiles from Levels 2 and 3 to add to the ones that come with Level 4. So, if you order an extra set, you will have one set to keep, and one set to include with the level you sell.
Or if you have an iPad or Android 7” or 10” tablet, use our Barton Tiles app instead.
Site License Tiles:
Each Site License level includes five sets of tiles for that level.
Owners of the Site License version are allowed to purchase as many extra sets of tiles they need for any Site License levels they own.
Or if your tutors have iPads or Android tablets, they might prefer to use our Barton Tiles app.
Prices for Extra Tiles
Level # | Title | Extra Set of Tiles |
1 | Phonemic Awareness | $10 |
2 | Consonants & Short Vowels | $20 |
3 | Closed & Unit Syllables | $20 |
4 | Syllable Division & Vowel Teams | $20 |
5 | Prefixes & Suffixes | $20 |
6 | Six Reasons for Silent-E | $20 |
7 | Vowel-R Syllables | $20 |
8 | Advanced Vowel Teams | $20 |
9 | Influences of Foreign Languages | $20 |
10 | Greek Words & Latin Roots | $20 |
To Order Extra Tiles:
To order on our secure e-store using Visa, Mastercard, American Express, or Discover, click here
To order by phone, call 408-559-3652
To download an order form that you can fax or mail in, click here
To email a purchase order, click here
Fax purchase order to 408-377-0503
For our mailing address, click here
More questions?
Click here to read our Ordering FAQ’s, call us at 408-559-3652, or email your question by clicking here.
Barton Tiles App
This optional Barton Tiles app is more than just tiles on an iPad or Android. It is a true student management system. The tiles and words for each student’s lesson appear automatically.
Since you do not have to set up and put away the tiles, you will have more time to teach.
Watch this demo of the Barton Tiles app:
Although there is no cost to download the app, you must buy access to the tiles and prebuilt words from within the app for $ 29.99 per level.
To watch more demo videos of the Barton Tiles app, click here. Then scroll down a bit to reveal 4 more demo videos.
The BartonTiles app is not designed to be used for remote Barton tutoring.
We recommend the Whizzimo Barton option as an effective way to do remote Barton tutoring.
Stand-Alone Books
Once students in the Barton System realize they can read accurately and fluently, they’ll want to start reading books.
This usually happens near the end of Level 3.
But at that point, they only know two syllable types, Closed and Unit, plus contractions.
Reading research clearly shows that emerging readers will improve their fluency (speed) only if they read books that contain controlled text. In other words, books in which at least 95% of the words can be sounded out using the rules the student already knows.
Unfortunately, most books on the library shelf—even ones aimed at young readers—contain all seven types of syllables. So if you hand a student one of those books to read, the student will have to revert to guessing – the very habit you’re trying to break.
That’s why we hired authors to write Stand-Alone Books. Each of these 32-page books contains one long story, broken into chapters, written using Controlled Text plus the Sight Words taught in the Barton System.
These books provide Barton students with lots of decoding practice, plus the satisfaction of reading a good book from cover to cover – independently – perhaps for the first time in their life.
Right now, there are 12 Stand-Alone Books that students can read at the end of Level 3, 10 for students at the end of Level 4, and 5 for students at the end of Level 5.
Each book was written to be enjoyed by both children and adults.
To read a few sample chapters from a Level 4 book, just click here.
Stand-Alone Books for the end of Level 3
Book #
Book Title
Fish, Fox, and Then Some Seven classic Aesops fables, retold using one-syllable words. |
Karin Fisher |
A Job for Jeff The story of a teen who applies for a job as a summer camp counselor. |
Peggy Smith |
The Champ The adventures of a boy and his new puppy. |
Peggy Smith |
Pig, Pig, and Pig Three little pigs, retold using sophisticated one-syllable words. |
Karin Fisher |
The Tax Man A tax preparer can’t get his first computer to work, so his son tries to teach him. |
Andra Hansen |
The Quest A story of a stow away, who eventually ends up owning the ship. |
Andra Hansen |
The Moth A Vietnamese folktale of a greedy landlord and the boy who outsmarts him. |
Karin Fisher |
Jim and the Milk Truck Jim does good deeds and falls in love with a woman on his milk truck route. |
Melissa Duersch |
Quack! A sweet fantasy about a fixing a duck who could not say quack. |
Melissa Duersch |
The Small Child An adaptation of a fairy tale called The Hazelnut Child. |
Melissa Duersch |
Fletch Fletch, a big shaggy dog, tries to get his owners to relieve the pain of a bee sting, but he has a hard time showing them what is wrong |
Kathleen Stepaniuk |
What Luck? Rick must drive his dad’s old rusty truck, which his mom promises will bring him luck. Rick has several bad luck adventures before finally discovering its good luck. |
Kathleen Stepaniuk |
Stand-Alone Books for the end of Level 4
Book #
Book Title
The Kingdom of Nod A sweet tale about an unlucky young queen, and the men who try to win her hand. |
Peggy Smith |
A Chain of Gold The story of one family’s escape from Poland during World War II. |
Andra Hansen |
Colleen A pesky sister rescues her older brother and his friend from a cave. |
Judith Burns |
Justin & Tony When Justin’s best friend moves away, Justin defeats a bully and makes new friends. |
Peggy Smith |
Ladybug Brit discovers that her new friend is homeless when serving food at a soup kitchen. |
Andra Hansen |
The King of Pongo Returning Peace Corp volunteers move to a small town and try to fit in. |
Peggy Smith |
The Legacy The true story of Martin Luther King’s ancestors and his fight for civil rights. |
Andra Hansen |
Wilson Otis, P.I. A private detective helps a friend track down a hit-and-run driver. |
Andra Hansen |
Crow, Cat and Beyond A collection of seven Aesop’s fables, and their morals, retold using Level 4 words. |
Karin Fisher |
The Old Scroll Max and Beth are Barton students whose tutor hands them an old scroll as a gift. If they can crack its code, they will go on a grand quest. |
Melissa Duersch |
Stand-Alone Books for the end of Level 5
Book #
Book Title
The Tempest The story of Noah’s Ark as told by Noah’s daughter-in-law to her children. |
Andra Hansen |
Black Out Travis saves the day when a power outage, and other problems, occur while his parents are gone. |
Sandy Graham |
A Family for Jimmy Jimmy, removed from his home due to neglect, is adopted by a loving couple. |
Andra Hansen |
Sally Snail To earn extra credit, Jill must give a presentation on her pet snail named Sally. |
Peggy Smith |
The Wedding Rings A rabbit disrupts the outdoor wedding in which Brent wants his dog to bring in the rings. |
Sandy Graham |
To Order These Stand-Alone Books:
To order on our secure e-store using Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover, click here
To order by phone, call 408-559-3652
To download an order form that you can fax or mail in, click here
To email a purchase order, click here
Fax purchase order to 408-377-0503
For our mailing address, click here
To Order These Digital Stand-Alone Books:
To order on our secure e-store using Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover, click here
To order by phone, call 408-559-3652
To download an order form that you can fax or mail in, click here
To email a purchase order, click here
Fax purchase order to 408-377-0503
For our mailing address, click here
More questions?
Click here to read our Ordering FAQ’s, call us at 408-559-3652, or email your question to us by clicking here.
Purchase Order
Please send your Purchase Order to po@brightsolutions.us
We will contact you once your Purchase Order has been processed.
Sole Source
We are the developer of, and the sole source / sole distributor worldwide, of the Barton Reading & Spelling System. So if you are with a school or other governmental agency, you do not have to request competitive bidding to obtain the Barton System.
If you need a Sole Source Letter, click here. and we will send one to you by email.
A few schools and non-profit groups have purchased the Barton Reading & Spelling System using grants such as these.
Donors Choose
Teachers at public schools have posted requests for the Barton System on this nonprofit website. Local parents, fellow teachers, relatives, and even anonymous people can then donate to your project.
NEA Foundation
Grant money can be used for innovative ideas that improve student achievement.
Grants range from $ 1,000 to $ 3,000.
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Grants
Most juvenile justice offenders cannot read at grade level.
U.S. Department of Education Grants
This website lists federal grants for almost every educational need.
Other Options
To lower the cost, share the Barton System
If you’re a homeschool parent, and you know another homeschool parent whose child is also struggling in spelling, reading, or writing, share the Barton System and split the cost. If you live within walking distance, you can both start tutoring on the same day. After the first parent has finished a tutoring session, just walk the Barton box over to the other parent’s house.
If you do NOT live within walking distance, let one parent get a “head start.” After the first parent is through with all the lessons in Level 1, give the entire Level 1 box to the second parent. The first parent will then start Level 2, while the second parent starts Level 1.
For this option to work, you’ll need to order one extra set of tiles. Or if you have an iPad, you can use the Barton Tiles app instead of ordering an extra set of tiles.
Or buy a used Barton level
Contact Evelyn Smith. She is our only authorized reseller of Used Barton levels.
That means any level you purchase from her is legitimate and complete. She also registers each purchase with us, so if you ever want to order extra tiles, you can.
But she does NOT offer a free exchange if Level 1 or 2 is too easy. That offer only applies if you purchased your level directly from us.
To find out if Evelyn has the used level that you need, go ahead and call Evelyn Smith, in Arizona, at 480-228-9200.
Her email is: etsmith2@cox.net
Once your child has finished a level, you can sell it to someone else, and use those funds to get the next level.
If you sell each level once your child has finished it, then it will cost very little to go through the Barton System.
And we provide free unlimited support to everyone who uses the Barton System, whether they bought it directly from us or bought it used from someone else —as long as it is a real, legitimate Barton level.
Also, make sure any used level is complete BEFORE you buy it — because we do not sell spare parts.
Sadly, we have also discovered counterfeit Barton levels being sold on eBay, and sometimes, illegally copied manuals being sold by individuals.
We will NOT provide any support, or access to our online videos or our Barton Tiles App, if you have a counterfeit or illegal copy.
So before you buy a used levels from anyone other than Evelyn Smith, send us a email with a link to the listing – and ask us if it is a real legitimate Barton level or not.
Other options
Here are other ways to make sure your dyslexic child receives Orton-Gillingham-based instruction:
- Attend a Private School for Dyslexic Students
- All private schools for dyslexic students use an Orton-Gillingham-based system. Susan Barton wishes every student with dyslexia could attend one. But these schools are rare, often have a long waiting list, and are very expensive. Their tuition runs from $12,000 to $34,000 per year.For a list of private schools in your area, click here, then type in your name along with your city and state.
- Hire a tutor
- Be sure to hire a tutor who is certified in one of the Orton-Gillingham-based systems.To receive a list of Certified Barton tutors in your area, click here, then fill in the form.If you can’t afford a professional tutor, and you don’t want to tutor your own child, perhaps a friend, neighbor, or relative would be willing to do the tutoring – if you provide them with the Barton System.
- Get your school to adopt the Barton System.
- In many schools, the Barton System is used by Reading or Learning Specialists, Special Education teachers in the Resource Room, or by volunteer tutors in Early Intervention Programs.All it took was one or two parents or teachers who used the first 2 or 3 levels of the Barton System with their children or a few students at the school to convince the principal of the need for the Barton System.To learn how others have convinced their principal to start a pilot program using the Barton System, click here.Then go fight for change at your child’s school.To read the research and evidence that supports this approach to reading instruction, click here.To learn more about setting up an early intervention program, click here.To learn about grants available for schools who want to purchase the Barton System, click here.
- Do Nothing
- This is the most expensive choice of all.If you do nothing, your child’s reading, writing, and spelling skills will NOT improve.Can you imagine how limited your child’s future will be if his or her skills are still like this twenty years from now?To see what may lie ahead if nothing is done, click here.You must find some way to get your child the right type of tutoring. It’s absolutely the best investment you can make in his or her future.
What won’t work?
If your child has dyslexia, many options out there will not help.
Before you spend your hard-earned dollars in the wrong direction, check out this list of “controversial therapies” – alternatives that research shows will NOT help children with dyslexia.
You’ve probably already tried at least one of them.
To view that list, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions About Ordering
Q: Do I have to buy all of the Levels at one time?
A: No. If you are a parent or on a tight budget, buy just one or two levels at a time.But if you’re with a school or buying these with a grant, you may wish to get all ten levels at once.
Q: Does my student have to start with Level 1?
A: Yes. Most students need to start at Level 1 – no matter how old they are. Our level numbers refers to our teaching sequence, not grade level. Nothing in level 1 will offend an older student. They must master the material in Level 1 before moving on to Level 2.That’s because research proves that what’s stopping them from mastering reading is their lack of phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear and manipulate each sound in a word – in your head, without letters.
In fact, research shows there are seven essential phonemic awareness skills a student must have before letters will start to make sense. We teach all seven of those skills in Level 1.
We actually start teaching students to read and spell – by sounding out – right in Level 1.
By the way, if you should buy Level 1 and discover that it’s too easy for your student, (which means he completes all of the lessons and the posttest, easily and with at least 95% accuracy, in just 2 to 3 hours), we will exchange it for the next level – for free.
But if a student has had recent and intense tutoring with a different Orton-Gillingham-based system, or a Lindamood-Bell program, and that student can pass our 10-minute Student Screening, then use our post-tests as a placement test to determine exactly where the student should start.
Start by giving the student the post-test for Level 1. If the student can pass all parts of it easily and with at least 95% accuracy, then give the student the post-test for Level 2. If the student can pass all parts of it easily and accurately, then give them the post-test for Level 3, and so on.
Q: My child is in third grade. Should I stop after Level 3?
A: No, do not stop after Level 3. Our level numbers do not mean grade level. They simply indicate the teaching sequence.I recommend taking a student who is in elementary school all the way through the end of Level 8. That’s because teachers in intermediate school (junior high) assume their students can already do everything we teach in Levels 1 through 8.
It’s wonderful to see a child progress from being the worst speller in the class in third grade, to being an average speller in fourth grade, to being a superstar in fifth grade – and be able to explain to the teacher exactly why a word is spelled that way. We’ve seen this happen thousands of times.
We’ve taken many third graders through Level 8. If they’re being tutored only twice a week, they may be a fifth grader by the time they complete Level 8.
By that time, they may have a large enough vocabulary to be able to tackle Levels 9 and 10. If not, work on growing their oral vocabulary and delay those last two levels until seventh grade.
Level 9, the Influence of Foreign Languages, and Level 10, Latin Roots and Greek Words, ideally would be taught before a child enters high school.
Those two levels will ensure that the student can read and spell all of the sophisticated words they’ll encounter in high school and college science, social studies, and math courses.
Q: Do you offer any grants?
A: No. We are not a granting agency. But many schools and literacy programs get the Barton System by writing a grant.To learn more about grants, and see a list of grants that others have used, click here.
Q: I can’t afford this. What else can I do?
Q: Can I buy just the spelling rules?
Q: I’m not sure if I need a site license. What’s a site?
A: A site is the physical site of a single school or tutoring center or literacy center. Anyone working on that physical site, whether a paid staff member or a volunteer, would be able to use the Barton System at that site.A Site License is cost effective if your site will have three or more tutors. If your site will only have one or two tutors, get one or two Single Tutor versions instead.