Welcome to the Barton Reading & Spelling System Videos

Barton tutors can now watch our tutor training videos over the internet.

  • If you already have a username and password, log in blue right arrow.
  • To get a user name and password, click here.

Details below

To watch our videos over the internet, you must either:

  • Own a legitimate Barton Level, or
  • Work for, or volunteer at, a school that owns the Barton System, or
  • Work for, or volunteer at, a tutoring center that owns the Barton System, or
  • Work for, or volunteer at, an adult literacy center that owns the Barton System

Here’s how it works

  • The very first time, you must register by filling out a form. You will choose your username and password at that time.
  • Once you confirm your email address, you will then request the video for a specific level.
  • Once we confirm you meet one of the above requirements for that level, we will send an email to you with a link to that video.
  • You can then watch that video for 6 months. If you need more time, you can request an extension.
  • You can use the same username and password in the future to watch a video for a different level.

